We’re going toe-to-toe with the fossil fuel industry.
The NY Home Energy Affordable Transition Act is a crucial bill that would force gas utilities to get our state off fracked gas, and onto modern, clean, and efficient energy solutions. It also caps energy bills to protect households from high bills. Learn more about it in this Canary Media article featuring our very own Jessica Azulay.
Photograph by Ken Schles
Photo credit: Ken Schles
Our Campaigns
From humble beginnings a decade ago, AGREE has grown to be a major force in New York’s energy landscape, advocating for an equitable transition to a renewable-energy-based economy where everyone can thrive in harmony with Earth’s ecosystems. We work from the hands-on house by house level to utility rate cases and statewide policy.

Renewable Heat Now
Through our Renewable Heat Now Campaign, we work with organizations across NY to raise awareness about how we can convert from fossil fuel heating to geothermal heat pumps, thermal energy networks, and cold climate heat pumps.

Utility Rate Cases
Utilities collect billions of dollars every year for the electricity grid, pipelines, and energy efficiency programs. Through our rate case trainings and interventions we advocate for affordable energy bills, improved energy efficiency, and alternatives to gas investments.

EnergySmart CNY
Our Energy Advisors are here to help you save energy, make homes more comfortable, electrify everything and reduce fossil fuel use. Let us connect you with the many Federal, State, and local programs to help you be part of the climate solution.
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News and Updates
Regulators Approve ANOTHER Rate Hike for National Fuel As Company Attempts to Block Bill To Lower Energy Costs
Governor Hochul promises to prioritize affordability — but turns blind eye to utility companies price-gouging NYers and charging more for […]
Syracuse Members Urge Hochul to Stop Greedy Utilities Making Energy Unaffordable and Put NY HEAT Act in Budget
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Charlie Heller, charlie@agreeny.org, 609-933-6774 With Trump admin looming, Gov. Hochul’s leadership to lower energy costs and fight […]
Heating Assistance Programs Aren’t Enough
As Heating Bills Rise, Gov Hochul Must Support NY HEAT Act FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Marissa Solomon, 734-330-0807, marissa@pythiapublic.com Nov […]
AGREE in Action